May 2, 2009

Catching up, boat races, soft ball and life

Kyle had the Rain-gutter Regata this past week. He took second place. This is a race where the boy scouts build a little wooden boat and race it gown a 'gutter' full of water. The boys use straws to create the wind for the sails. I think it just proves Kyle is full of hot air.

Carrie's soft ball team is currently in first place in her league. The team has come a long way and after losing the first game, has won every one since! Carrie loves it and she better, since their games often last past 9 pm two nights a week. I am always tired!

With Kevin taking some leave before he deployed we spent time doing family things, like the zoo....The kids love the zoo, we go often, but it was a rare treat for Carrie to get an 'up top' ride from dad! I laughed about it, so Kevin threw me up on his shoulders next...not a picture I will share, but we got a LOT of looks from concerned teachers with kids on field trips! :)
The picture of Cameron with the Gorilla made me laugh, I think they were thinking the same thing...if only I knew what that was!
Kyle, Collin and Cameron all loved the Lorakeet feed exhibit (we always spend too much money on nectar)!