August 10, 2008

Welcome LILY

Well, a lot is going on here. We have had a new member added to our family...her name is Lily.
She was rescued as a stray and rehab'd by a local Golden REt group. She came to visit us after a lot of phone calls and correspondence.
We are sooo happy with her. She slid right in to our routine and has caused us only joy. She is Sakura's buddy and shadow. She loves the kids and the cats...and likes to hike in the woods with me.
So, as to hiking, I am trying to get back to prebaby shape. I am having a hard time with the I have taken the kids and dogs hiking, as a way to burn some calories. I have to laugh at myself because Carrie was in camp...It was me 3 boys and 2 Goldens...I had Cam in the sling, 2 leashes and 2 big boys trotting beside me. I got quite a few looks...imagine if I had all the kids!!!

So, We decided to give 'school' a try. Carrie and Kyle will both start a small private school next week. I am a little nervous, but do really like the place. The kids got to do their first 'school' shopping. They will be wearing uniforms, but picking out shoes and folders was a delight for them.

Collin is going to go into serious shock with the 2 big kids gone. I am hoping to ease him into some playdates and Library story times to make it easier on us both.