December 22, 2008

Holiday Visitors and Fun


This weekend was full of friends, family and fun! On Friday night, my bestest forever friend, Christy, came to stay. Her dad and 2 kids too. We made smores, exchanged gifts and visited for hours...

On Saturday morning Chirsty and her family left for Florida. At noon Cameron fell down while standing at the coffee table. I was sitting there and was happy he did not hit his face on the table, only to realize he hit his face on the toy he dropped.... a first black eye is normal for learning to walk, but still breaks my heart.

A few hours later a large black Suburban pulled into my drive with 5 kids and a long missed friend! Becky was a dear friend to me in Japan and we had not seen eachother in over a year. She too is headed to Florida for the holidays, so stopped in to see us. We stayed up late and visited. The kids played hard. Sunday we spent the day playing, visiting and keeping order to 10 kids in my house! Becky has 5, my 4, plus the little girl from next door.

It worked out so well though, because EVERYONE had a playmate and got along perfectly! All day, 10 kids, 2 moms and no fights, not one spill, and a GREAT TIME! The only real mess was when Luke pushed his nose against the fire pit screen which was NOT hot, but VERY messy from smore the night before!!! How cute is that?

It really made me happy to be back in the USA this holiday when I saw my family for Thanksgiving, Kev's family for an early Christmas and then friends for Christmas too....

I am even more thrilled, as the fun continues in the New Year when all of these friends come back by on the way home!!!!

December 21, 2008

Offically a PRE-TEEN!

Carrie is offically a pre-teen. She turned 11 this month and is making me feel old. We had a little party with a few good friends. I guess she is not too old yet, because she wanted to go to Chuck-E-Cheese.

By the end of the day Cameron was so tired he fell asleep sitting up!

December 5, 2008

Some time in Florida

We spent Thanksgiving in Florida. The kids got to see the grandparents and great Grandparents on both sides of the family....

It was a lot of fun. On Saturday, the kids all went fishing with my dad. Collin caught the biggest fish...I swear this thing was as big as a frying pan. And Kyle caught the most with 4....

This was the first time that my parents had all 8 of their grandkids together at once. Between us living over seas and other things in life, we kids had not all been together in over 5 years. It was so nice to see everyone and take some fun pics of the kids...

Lastly, a shot I find important. This is Cameron with his Grandma and GREAT-Grandma on Thanksgiving day....

Halloween...through Thanksgiving....

So much Craziness with the holidays that I have been negligent on my blog. I learned at Thanksgiving that many of my family are reading this. I was leave me a hey there when you sign in, so I know it is worth my while to write ablout my busy, but simple little life!


My brother and his wife came in with 2 kids. My bestest friend since college came in with her 2 kids...count them up. With my 4...that is 8 little candy monsters on Halloween weekend! It was a BLAST! We all had a fun time. The adaults were significantly outnumbered. witht htat said, nothing was broken, destroyed or even needing a litte duct tape after the long weekend.

The kids all got along famously. Here is a shot of all of the kids with 3 grown ups that also got into the spirit!!!!

Friday afternoon meant decorating pumpkins. We 3 mommies had run to the store for dinner prep and came home to find the 2 dads and kids carving. Us moms were delighted and then a pumpkin gut war exploded. Pumpkin guts everywhere...I am still finding seed in my house and I SWEAR I clean regularly!

The month of November brought cold weather and icy mornings to our home. Kevin and I had to google and learn to weatherize our home. We definitely did not want a pipe to freeze or burst. Then the clothes dryer died. Again Kevin googled it, found the part and fixed it all in one day...then as if the google gods were testing us, the window on my van too a final nose dive and refused to go back up! Hello darn window, it is COLD! So, off to google again to see how to replace the motor. This led to a little plastic piece of the auto lock breaking...a few trips to Auto Zone, some cursing and finally a window and door lock that work...So, if you own stock in GOOGLE, we are helping keep you in the money!


Turkey day was spent in FLorida. It is a family tradition on my side to have a huge family reunion for the holiday. 58 people attended. The youngest was less than 2 months and the oldest almost 90! We had a lot of fun, ate too much and enjoyed catching up.

That evening we took off to Kevin's mom's house, decorated for Chritmas and crashed. We awoke Friday morning to Christmas a few weeks early. The kids had a great time opening gifts from their Great-Grandmother, Great-Aunts and Great- Uncles and of course, Nana...

The only catch was that it did not all fit in the car to come home...hehehhe. So, Kevin's mom took some larger boxes and will be bringing them when she comes to visit near Christmas.

The only hard part of the holiday was the traffic on the way home. I 95 was a parking lot and our 5 1/2 hour trip took over 9 hours...we were tired, cranky and done when we finally got home!

October 25, 2008

Is it a WORM????

This past weekend Kyle had his Boy Scout rocket race. It is very similar to the car race that is done. They get a block of wood and are supposed to make a rocket that will fly down a line the fastest. Well, Kyle is unconventional. He made a CATERPILLAR out of his. This did not surprise us, with his love of all things buggy...
When he showed up for the race, his was the only one that DID NOT look like a rocket. He did not add fins or anything to make it more aerodynamic...I think the other kids thought it was funny!
That is until he WON!!! He now has a bright shinny 1st place medal on his uniform. I hope he learned that the unconventional can get good results!
He is so very proud of his creation. He is already trying to figure out how to put flapping butterfly wings on next years!!

The Daily Grind

Seems like time is flying for us right now. The kids are all settled into our school routine. Collin is finally accepting it and is fitting in with us.
Today we all went to see High School Musical 3. It was definitely not Collin's movie, but he sat and danced and tried to appreciate it. He is definitely beginnig to show signs of growing up. Right at the end we had a potty break. When we returned to our seats he couldn't get comfy and threw his leg over dumping a nice 1/2 full blue ICEE into my lap...Yikes! Cold, and trying to hold Cameron as the show ended was a challenge, but I managed to keep my sense of humor.
So, for those of you who dont know our daily routine, it goes like this...

All of my kids are late risers.
8 am all up, change Cameron, put on pur morning cartoon
8:30 all fed, getting dressed
9:00 Carrie and Kyle read while mom works out or tries too (Cameron often objects)
9:45 mom grabs a quick breakfast while we start math
then the kids alternate plyaing with Collin and doing lessons with me until 12:00
At noon we grab a moment for lunch and the kids get a recess outside
Usually Kyle can be close to done with school for the day, but Carrie still has about 2 hours to go...
All of this is broken up with nursing, diaper changes, trying to throw in a load of laundy, or catching Collin doing something 'not approved by mom.'

It seems that is is 4:00 before school is really done and I can go tot the bathroom...then I make dinner or take a 10 min break!

At 6 the kids eat. If I did not get to workout, I do this while the 3 big kids eat. Then I feed Cameron, feed my self, put everyone in the bath in rotation...
It is now 8 pm and I stink!
Then bed for the kids, maybe a bath for mom (if i can!)
So now it is 10:45 pm, I am trying to blog! :)

So, why all this boring info? Just my way of appologizing for the lack of blogging going on, the lack of phone calls to those I love and the lack of birthday cards or other correspondence!

Here is a sample of one of Collin's unapproved activities! IT takes about 5 baths, a lot of soap and 5 days to remove Sharpie!

September 25, 2008

BBQ, Clowns and babies!

We had a GREAT time this last weekend. Kevin was promoted recently. We decided to throw a BBQ for his soldiers and the soldiers and civivlians he works with.
We found out only days before that 0f the 42 people who RSVP'd we 20 were children! So, with the help of my FAB friend, we found entertainment. Sparkles the clown came, sang, danced and was amazing!
Kevin was quite the sport too, as we drug him up and put a wig on him.

This event would have been good, but my Dad made it great. He came up and did the catering for us. He pulled his full size pro grill up from FL! HE spent the whole night before outside in the cold (yes it was cold). I hope he knows that we think he rocks...and EVERYONE is still raving about the food!

Cameron is Offically 6 months old now...1/2 a year already? really? sigh!!!!
I cannot believe they grow sooo fast. He has 2 teeth and is trying very hard to figure out how to be mobile and catch up with his siblings!

September 16, 2008

butterflies. dogs and first foods!

One of Kyle's b-day gifts was a butterfly cage. We ordered caterpillars, fed them, watched them change into chrysallis, and then hatch out...the kids got to play with them before setting them free!

I know we've mentioned the dogs and all their are our Golden Girls!

Cameron got to try solid foods this week...his was reaction was more like, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" than "MMMMM..."

He has amazing eyes...some days they are soooo blue, some days green...Carrie's did that before turning brown, but
I am hoping they stay like this!

September 3, 2008

things change...

So we really did intend for the kids to 'go' to school this year. However, it just did not feel right so we pulled them out before the first day! LOL

We enrolled in an online school. IT is actually the same company I used to work for in Colorado (K12)...check it out!

We have been super busy with Kevin's promotion, kids getting to start school, hitting the area parks, and still unpacking!

I so do not remember having this much CRAP...stuff I truly do not need or want...but have to unpack just in case there is something in the box important

So here are some pics!

Major Hinton!!! It was soooo hot, but well worth it. Collin got into fire ants just as they put KEv's rank on, so it was a screaming moment! But, that is our life! LOL! Here is Collin just after a good ant bite cry!Cameron is a BIG boy...he thinks he can read already! He really loves these ABC mats...

We love the State park down the street from us. The kids love to walk in the lake and chase the a few more months We might try canoes, but right now it is toooo hot!

Notice Collin is not wearing pants at the park...he sat in the water first thing!!! Of course he did!We surprised the kids with a trampoline over the labor day $ we spent in a long time... Carrie, Kyle and Collin are on there ALLLLLLLL DAY LONG!

August 10, 2008

Welcome LILY

Well, a lot is going on here. We have had a new member added to our family...her name is Lily.
She was rescued as a stray and rehab'd by a local Golden REt group. She came to visit us after a lot of phone calls and correspondence.
We are sooo happy with her. She slid right in to our routine and has caused us only joy. She is Sakura's buddy and shadow. She loves the kids and the cats...and likes to hike in the woods with me.
So, as to hiking, I am trying to get back to prebaby shape. I am having a hard time with the I have taken the kids and dogs hiking, as a way to burn some calories. I have to laugh at myself because Carrie was in camp...It was me 3 boys and 2 Goldens...I had Cam in the sling, 2 leashes and 2 big boys trotting beside me. I got quite a few looks...imagine if I had all the kids!!!

So, We decided to give 'school' a try. Carrie and Kyle will both start a small private school next week. I am a little nervous, but do really like the place. The kids got to do their first 'school' shopping. They will be wearing uniforms, but picking out shoes and folders was a delight for them.

Collin is going to go into serious shock with the 2 big kids gone. I am hoping to ease him into some playdates and Library story times to make it easier on us both.

July 25, 2008

A work in PROGRESS

For those of you who are waiting to see our are some work in progress shots...lots of mess and boxes still....sigh...

The kids love the yard. The first week we were here daddy built them a play the 100+ degree heat...what a kit, all from scratch!As you can see we have enough room for a trampoline that is on our wish list...

Here is the dining room without stuff and with lots of stuff and boxes still. But, you get the idea!

Here is the living room without anything and with some stuff, toys and a mess (as usual)

Carrie's room...purple paint by MOM

BOY"S room paint by and green alternating walls...a mess and a 'napping' Collin too!

And finally some master bedroom shots..notice the fabulous baby quilt on the chest at the foot of the bed? MY bestest friend from Japan made that for Cameron...He naps with is every day! Thanks BECKY!

July 22, 2008

What we have been up to!

We are offically settling in. The boxes are getting fewer in #, as I work at kepping the kids happy and unpacking daily.

We are considering a local private school this year. Carrie is excited, Kyle is NOT. Time will tell where this goes.

Carrie finished a week at horse camp. She learned to ride, groom, clean stalls and saddle the horses. There was even a news paper article on her camp...I think if you click the pic you can see it larger. That is Carrie on the front left!

Kyle just finished a week at skateboarding camp. He mastered some cool new stuff and is catching serious air! He is also practicing a lot of unmastered new tricks!

Collin is sooo happy to have a whole room just for toys and play. I have to hunt for him, as he disappears in there all the time. I need to get those in home cameras that my brother has!

Cameron is 4 months old now. Way too fast for me. He is growing soooo fast and I feel like if I blink I will miss something!

More to come in next post...incuding pics of the kids, pics of the house...hopefully box free!

July 9, 2008


The roads are wide;
you drive on the right.

The stores are big;
you can shop at night.

The people are many;
always on the cell phone.

The house is ours;
we have a HOME!

SO, we have a house, still no furniture, but we have a home. WE are getting adjusted and have sooo much to share. As soon as I buy a new camera cord or get mine in shipping there will ba a lot to show.

Overall, the brief synopsis is:
We found a house, bought a house, are camping out in our house.
Carrie is in horseback riding camp, Kyle will be in Skateboarding camp next week.
Then at the end of summer sports camps (volley ball and ???)

Collin loves the yard (HUGH!) and Cameron loves life in general....

Cannot wait to show pics!

May 16, 2008

2 weeks and days to go!

Well, I sat down on the floor to upload some new pics camera wire...huh? GuessI let them pack that!!! ARGH!
But on a bright note, we are packed out. I am sitting on the floor and there are only 2 weeks and days left here in Japan...
Cameron has started laughing and smiling. his first giggle was for Collin! Collin was thrilled!
Cam is now fatter and taller and full of bright eyed stares!
Collin is handling the empty house well. Carrie is trying desperately to organize a going away party for herself. And Kyle has burst into random tears 2 times in 2 days.

Kevin and I decided this move is going to be really hard on Ky. He doesnt remember living in the states. He was not yet 4 when we got here, so it is all he knows. Carrie is older, remembers more. Collin is too young to care yet...and Cam is happy as long as there is breast milk! :)

SO this move will be hard for Ky and we need to acknowledge it on some level for him...

WE are soooooo ready to get on that plane!
Cannot wait to see a Walmart, Target or real grocery store!

May 9, 2008

The packing begins!

Our first day of packing is done...and now we are preping for the weekend by picking the few select items that live here for the rest of the time ( about 2-3 weeks)...

Took a good idea from my dear friend Becky, and we are taking a wagon to the thrift store for dishes and toys to use. It is easier than borrowing from the base. It is just down the road and no need for a car. Also, we can take it all back any time of the day and put it back into the donations box! :)

Thanks Becky!

I am trecking along with 4 kids in tow. Glad I figured out the babywearing thing with the other 3, or I would never have a moment. Cam is always in a carrier and snuggled up on me. It frees me to take care of a high demand 2 1/2 yo, a 6 yo that thinks he is a skateboard star and a pre-teen 10 yo girl (hormonal???)!!! Wow...who would have ever thought I would be soooo crazy as to have 4 kids...peopel keep asking if we are done..cannot answer that just yet though...

We are house hunting on-line and narrowing down the search. We found a cute 4 bedroom and 3 bath and then realized it would never be big enough without a basement or finished room over garage (FROG) we had to laugh at the idea that a 2 story 4 bed room house was too smalllll!!!!! LOL

Here are a few pics of my beautiful babies with the now GONE Cherry Blossoms.....