January 23, 2009

Big Bro Visits!

My big brother, Tim, was in town for business and managed to come eat with us a few times. I hope our 4 rowdy kids didnt scare him too badly! (he has 1)
We sat around, drank some wine and even watched a bit of TV together. It was great to have a visit that was just hanging out. We have not done that since before Japan and Colorado! So 5 yrs or so...Good to know he is still my brother and a great guy!

Snow Finally!

This week we finally had snow. The kids were so excited to see it and play in it! IT did not stick around long because it was warming up, but that made it better for playing outside!

Carrie has been a great helper recently. I have gotten over tired trying to teach Cameron to sleep at night. I have probably not slept for more than an hour at a time in 2 weeks! The circles under my eyes are definitely beginning to look SCARY! Today, I was trying to trek through some school work with Kyle while Carrie played with the little boys. Cameron was fussy and really just a grump, but this is what I found a few minutes later!