July 25, 2008

A work in PROGRESS

For those of you who are waiting to see our house...here are some work in progress shots...lots of mess and boxes still....sigh...

The kids love the yard. The first week we were here daddy built them a play set...in the 100+ degree heat...what a man...no kit, all from scratch!As you can see we have enough room for a trampoline too...so that is on our wish list...

Here is the dining room without stuff and with lots of stuff and boxes still. But, you get the idea!

Here is the living room without anything and with some stuff, toys and a mess (as usual)

Carrie's room...purple paint by MOM

BOY"S room paint by mom...blue and green alternating walls...a mess and a 'napping' Collin too!

And finally some master bedroom shots..notice the fabulous baby quilt on the chest at the foot of the bed? MY bestest friend from Japan made that for Cameron...He naps with is every day! Thanks BECKY!

July 22, 2008

What we have been up to!

We are offically settling in. The boxes are getting fewer in #, as I work at kepping the kids happy and unpacking daily.

We are considering a local private school this year. Carrie is excited, Kyle is NOT. Time will tell where this goes.

Carrie finished a week at horse camp. She learned to ride, groom, clean stalls and saddle the horses. There was even a news paper article on her camp...I think if you click the pic you can see it larger. That is Carrie on the front left!

Kyle just finished a week at skateboarding camp. He mastered some cool new stuff and is catching serious air! He is also practicing a lot of unmastered new tricks!

Collin is sooo happy to have a whole room just for toys and play. I have to hunt for him, as he disappears in there all the time. I need to get those in home cameras that my brother has!

Cameron is 4 months old now. Way too fast for me. He is growing soooo fast and I feel like if I blink I will miss something!

More to come in next post...incuding pics of the kids, pics of the house...hopefully box free!

July 9, 2008


The roads are wide;
you drive on the right.

The stores are big;
you can shop at night.

The people are many;
always on the cell phone.

The house is ours;
we have a HOME!

SO, we have a house, still no furniture, but we have a home. WE are getting adjusted and have sooo much to share. As soon as I buy a new camera cord or get mine in shipping there will ba a lot to show.

Overall, the brief synopsis is:
We found a house, bought a house, are camping out in our house.
Carrie is in horseback riding camp, Kyle will be in Skateboarding camp next week.
Then at the end of summer sports camps (volley ball and ???)

Collin loves the yard (HUGH!) and Cameron loves life in general....

Cannot wait to show pics!