February 17, 2008

hello world

I have not posted in a LONG time, so here is what is occuring in our lives at the moment! This is a belly shot for you that are keeping count...32 weeks in this one! This was taken before he dropped! I need a new pic since I look so much smaller now (yeah right!).

I have been growing one strong baby ( as declared by Kyle). The other night we were lying together watching TV and the baby was going to town. So, I reached over, put his hand on my belly and he was in SHOCK! He said, mom does that hurt? I told him sometimes...but mostly just feels weird.

Then he got this odd look on his face and decided to ask me if he could watch the baby come out. Well, I thought as he has seen animals born, why not? SO, then he asked if it hurt. I was honest...YES! And we had some interesting discussion about babies being born...so, my boy is growning up...sigh...and wanting to learn the facts of life...fortunately he will not try to nurse his baby dolls as his sister did! ;)

Carrie really wants to see this little guy come into the world too, so I may end up with a crowd in the delivery!!! LOL

Collin is into EVERYTHING. He starts each day by asking, "baby come out and play today?"

He cannot wait to see this little guy. Our neighbors have a brand new baby and he does get how small the baby will be...he is amazingly gentle with her. I am in shock most of the time bc he is so rough and tumble most of his days!

As far as I go, the baby is finally head down (thank you GOD) and is fully engaged. This means I am VERY uncomfy. Today we started having a lot of contactions every time I tried to lift Collin...so that is a no-no now.
Since he has spent the majority of his life being held, he is not adjusting to this so well...but I gotta keep this kiddo in until daddy comes home! (3 more weeks)...argh that seem so long.

Kevin has managed to call a few times and is really enjoying the job right now. I think he has serious peace of mind about deciding to stay in the military...

SO, we are off to Columbia, SC in a few months...we are having a blast on line house hunting and seeing what there is!

We miss you all!!!