December 24, 2007



YEA! It feels like these past few weeks drug by as we waited for the holiday. We had a few new twists to our routine this year with Collin getting into everything!

We usually put out presents from family as they come in and put ours out early too, so the kids can guess! Well this year it was not happening. Everytime we put out a gift Collin opened it! So, we have had to re-wrap a few and will put them all out before Santa comes on Christmas EVE!

I spent this week trying to do 'professional' photos of the kids since there are few studios here and the $ is over 100 bucks just for a sitting!!! So here are a few that I thought were pretty good considering I was in my bed room!!!

These are someof my favorite shots with the 'dream effect' around their little angelic faces!

Collin and Kyle in a brotherly tussle! I have a similar black and white photo of Carrie and Kyle at these ages, so I wanted to do the a few years I can add COllin and new bub!

It has gotten hard to get a decent shot with so many faces and active bodies, but here is one that is not half bad!

Well, Merry Christmas to all! We will post some Christmas action shots soon, I am sure!

Miss you all for the holidays!

December 10, 2007

Countng Down

The kids are counting down until the big Christmas day.
Our house is all decorated, but the tree stands bare underneath since COllin will not leave any present unopened..He got to 2 before I caught him! LOL

Carrie's Christmas play with the community theatre is this week. We are really busy with final rehearsals and 5! showings!

Kyle is always outside and the daily fight to make him wear a coat is getting old...

Collin seems to have the potty thing down, only a very occasional accident (like once a week).

I am getting quite full in the belly and Kevin is lvoing to rub and feel the little guy dance!

November 20, 2007

AND IT IS A......

Well I went to Yokosuka and had the ultra sound done. The baby is happy and healthy. The ultrasound we are sharing is of the little thumb sucker...

Oh, and the baby is a BOY!

He is still yet to be named, but greatly awaited!

Since we are so far away, feel free to spread the word!

November 14, 2007

Camping pics! (and a belly shot!)

Collin had a great time camping!

The kids had chem sticks and a starwars laser sword fight seemed necessary!

The dog showed a lot of self control with the deer. Unless we said 'get em' then she was off like a light. She chased them away and then came right back to her guard station. It was a lot of fun to watch. She may have made some hunter a great dog, but instead she gets stuck chasing deer for fun on camping trips!

The boys all had fun walking to the beach and back again!

Oh, and here is the latest baby bump pic. 19 weeks! 1/2 way done!!! And I feel so ready already!

November 13, 2007

Fall is here

Fall is officially here. It is cool everyday now and jackets a must. We have promised the kids camping. So, I readied myself mentally and we went away for the long weekend to Miajima Island. It takes a drive, a ferry ride with car and a bit of further navigation to get to the camping grounds. We spent the first night without too much chaos. The deer tried to get into the tent until Sakura the Wondr Dog chased them off.
I awoke the next morning (lie I was tossing most of the night) to a cloudy day and little illness. So, told the kids a second night was a go.

This night was much more interesting for the kids. The Tenuki (racoon/weasle creature) were very curious about us. They would come as close as 5 feet and were not afraid. They kept trying to steal parts off the tent! In the middle of the night we heard a strange noise and tent shaking...a Tenuki was chewing the tent! It chewed through a line that holds the rain top down. Of course it was raining too...LOL
At midnight I awoke to the vomits and stayed much of the rest of night on a public park bathroom floor sick...the kids were none the wiser.
The next day we could not leave until the ferry started again (did I mention I could not get out if I had too with no ferry at night!) We packed slowly, while the kids played and tehn came home.
It is now Tuesday, I am on my feet but still ill...but the kids had a ball and will remember always the ATTACK of the TENUKI!

Pics top follow!

October 17, 2007

Ultrasound pic!

Kevin's clinic got a new ultrasound today! So, we played around so he could familiarize himself with it!

We havent peeked at the gender yet, but are really tempted!
We thought this was a great shot of the full face and body!
It was so neat to play around and see the little one dancing and wriggling!

October 16, 2007


Collin is 2!!!!

He had a nice little party with mom, dad and sis and bub. He had a good time, as you can see.

I officially have a baby bump. 15 + weeks and I feel huge, but this pic isnt soooo big!!!

Kyle has mastered his RIPSTICK. It is a 2 wheeled skateboard and really hard to learn! That is our spooky little house in the back with all of the pumpkins and on the left...
Carrie is soo tall! She is wearing a shoe 1/2 size smaller than mine (which means she steals mine)! She got a hair cut and looks like a cutey!

Carrie had to take a pic of the boys and I on the couch doing reading time this morning! Thought you might appreciate that I dont look too dead and can still have a sense of humor given the pregnancy fun I get to endure!

October 9, 2007

Still here~ :)

It has been a little busy here. Collin is potty training. He is doing really well and accident free most days. Have a cute toilet pic, but he is all nude, so thought better not to post! LOL!

Carrie is doing Girl Scouts and really busy there. Kyle was so excited by the idea that he insisted on joining Cub Scouts, so I am busy trying to get that going.

Kyle finally lost his first tooth...did not think it would ever happen!

I am doing better with the pregnancy illness. Still taking some meds, but not puking my lungs out!

I had an appt today and the heartbeat was good and strong. We are not sure we are going to find out the gender. Since it is the last baby we were thinking about a surprise!

Do not know if I can handle that though!

Miss you all...can not wait to be stateside! ONLY 8 months to go!

September 21, 2007

We had our ultrasound. There is one happy healthy little bean in there.

I am still about hte same.

A few ER trips for fluids and a lot of nausea...but the baby is healthy, so it will be worth it in the end.

I am officially unable to fit into my clothes...11 weeks 4 days! Wow not even the first trimester is over and I feel like a whale...oh well, lots of time to worry about that later.

Kids are still doing great with school. Collinis a chatter box.

We are discussing the finer points of moving to Florida s permenant residents and not military...pretty sure we are with it, but still a few issues for us to work out. When it is all final we will let everyone is still 9 months away, so plenty of time.

Kevin will be gone for the next 2 weeks, so pray for me to be healthy with these kids and this baby growing!

Miss you all everyday!

September 6, 2007


Well, I am doing my usual up and down with the pregnancy complications. I have had IV fluids twice now. I am on so many meds (zofran, b-6, unisom, benedryl, colace and ginger) and still nauseous all of the time. Actually, that is not true, I have had a few fluffy days. Usually right after a day where I sleep all day and get fluids.

All the meds keep me in a drug stuppor. The kids are doing well though. Carrie and Kyle are helping a lot with Collin. They are getting through school at least 3 days a week (my goal right now). Collin is turning into a chatter box everyday. He is now telling us he loves us and thank you. He told kevin he loved him and night night on the phone tonight.

Kevin is on his first trip to Sasebo since my pregnancy yucky started. It is making more work for me, since he was doing all the baths and bed time things. I have had to let Carrie make meals a few times, but she loves that!

I am getting a little bump already. My clothes are too snug for comfort. But after 3 other babies, the condo space in my uterus us large!

We have an ultrasound in 5 days. It wil just be basic stuff to see A) how many babies B) if said is growing well. I say A about the # of babies, bc I feel like I am carrying twins. Cant explain it, just feels that way in my nauseated little head. But, since they dont seem to be in our families, I doubt it.

I will post as soon as we have our next OB visit. Miss you all. :)

August 29, 2007

Back to School

School started for us about 3 weeks ago. The public school started back this week.
The kids are doing well.
Since I have been ill with the pregnancy we are trying to get a good 3-4 days in a week for now. Most weeks that seems like a stretch, but we are doing it!

Collin is just turning into a chatter box and starting to put sentences together...
Kyle is reading very well.
Carrie is excelling in all areas as usual.

We had a suprise guest this week when a local 'stray' cat decided she needed to have kittens. They are now living in our closet upstairs. The mommy is obviously a dumped pet, who loves people and is a good mommy. She had 2 gray tabbies. One male and one female. People are already asking about them for pets. We hope momma finds a great home too...She is sooo sweet.

I have only had to get fluids by IV once to date. I have been eating well. I just have a hard time getting liquids in. Water always wants to come right back. I tend to sip on Diet Mountain Dew all day...doesnt that sound healthy?
I try not to worry about the healthy part too much since the otehr kids turned out fine! LOL

I hope everyone is well. I have not felt like talking on the phone bc of the nausea, but will try to return calls soon.

August 14, 2007


Well, to those of you who read this and have not gotten an email or phone call...WE ARE PREGNANT...again!
I am currently 6 weeks pregnant. I am due April 8th. Hopefully mid March, since Collin and Kyle were a few weeks early.
Carrie is very excited.
When I asked Kyle, 'do you want to have a baby,' he said, 'NO!'
I was shocked, and asked him why. He said, 'I am not ready to get married yet mom!'
I laughed and said no, a baby brother or sister...tho which he responded, 'oh, sure!'

Made me laugh...

I have been healthy to date and am still just feeling pregnant. No severe Hyperemesis...All is well.

We started back into our school routine and will hopefully have a productive year since we will be most likely finishing a little early when baby comes...then finishing up anything ove the summer months. :)

I will keep you all posted. I have an appt this Thursday to get all of my meds in line in case I do get sick. Right now I only have an emergency supply sitting on the shelf.

Miss you! Love you!

July 29, 2007


SO, we made our long trek to Tokyo to the airport to pick up our family! It was sooo nice to see familiar faces. Aunt Claire, Uncle Butch and NANA all came! We took some time around Tokyo and headed to Disney and Disney SEA. I wish that they had Disney SEA in the states, because it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen that was not GOD made! I have so many pics of the park that they look like pics of Venice and Italy and Other amazing places!

Collin and Carrie and Kyle loved the rides at Disney. Collin had a permanent smile for days...He had no fear of rides or characters which made it so much fun! The Disney park is basically the same as Florida, but has a few different rides and very different food!! LOL!

At One point we were in a small area of Disney sea and there were maybe 25 people hanging around some characters. We were the only Americans and the Characters ran off with Collin in the stroller. It turned into a parade and we all ran and skipped up the path toward their resting spot! It was sooo funny!
Even Kevin and his Uncle got into the rides and had to hit the teacups together!

This look sums up Collin face for the whole time we were at the Disney parks! He loved the rides. At Disney SEA there is a whole indoor section that looks like the little mermaid movie. The rides are puffer fish balloons and jelly fish rides. Everything was in bright neon colors and very kiddo friendly!

We hit the 2 story Aladdin carousel and rode a Griffin!
Collin...still smiling... LOL!
He had a great time with the characters and went to them even without us! Goofy got right down on the ground with him and Collin loved it. He cried when his turn was over, but only for a second because Disney is the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH!

Everyone loves a character! Dale was a great sport and let us take a million shots until everyone was smiling, sort of...In the states it always seems like you get one shots, but in Tokyo the characters were amazing!

We also ventured into the city of Tokyo. We saw the Tokyo tower and the palace. It is a beautiful city, but very busy!
When we got back to our end of the island we took the family to Miajima. There are tons of deer on this island and they love to be fed...her is our dear Aunt getting a lot of deer love and she only left with a few bruises!

July 18, 2007

We are all just hanging out here in Japan. Kevin has 2 more work days until he is officially on vacation for 2 weeks! We are soooo excited.
I have been trying to keep up with the kids and the running and the house. It all sounds so simple, but there are days that it all does not fit! And since I have committed myself to getting healthy, the house has been suffering! giggle!

Carrie is having a nice summer and making new friends. Our newest neighbor has 2 girls. One a yr older and one a yr younger than her!
Kyle has been having a bit of a stressful summer since all of his best buddies have moved. He is hanging in there though and is still his bouncy self most of the time.
Collin is jabbering away. Yesterday he said, "GOSH MOM!" I had to laugh. Last night he told Kevin, "Bath please?" and he has been throwing new words and phrases out everyday!

We are all looking forward to our Tokyo trip and will post lots of pics!!!!

July 10, 2007

2 weeks until DISNEY!

I have been so excited about our upcoming Disney trip...only 2 more weeks. We will be checking out Tokyo and going to both Disney and Disney Sea...

Kevin's mom, aunt and uncle will all be flying into Tokyo and we will meet them and then spend 4 days there. We are then coming back down here to spend a week and a half.

It will be soooo good to see family.

It is still raining here...this is like 5 or six days straight now. The world outside is a big soggy mess and the world inside is closing in and getting chaotic.

We had a break in the weather this past Sunday. We decided to take the kids to a local city park.
This place has some of the biggest koi ever and the kids love feeding them.

Everyone was somewhat muddy after we left. But the kids had fun watching and catching tadpoles in the rock pond...there were literally hundreds of them!

We had a good time. It was nice having a family day with daddy!

Here is a shot of my BOYS!

Aren't they handsome? That is Collin's classic cheese for the camera face! He is so full of himself!

And here is a shot of us GIRLS!

July 9, 2007

Mud and rain!

Kyle is a mud monster!!!!
It is the rainy season here, which means daily downpours.
The kids like the pauses in the rain and it generally results in this kind of mess!!!!
Posted by Picasa

July 6, 2007

Something sad...

Our big Jenny dog is no longer with us. She has had chronic intestinal problems since we got her in December. This seemed to be helped by a special diet and then a low fat and high fiber diet. However, recently, the cure became less effective. She could no longer control herself and found she was 80 pounds, not house broken and very uncomfortable with the pain associated with her digestive issues. Kevin and I had discussed previously that if the problems persisted we would have to put her down. So, this past week we had to.

I feel really sad about this decision. She was the kind of dog that all families want when it comes to temperment and affection. The kids could literally do anything to her. However, she was showing signs that she was suffering. She couldn't hold her bowels or bladder anymore and it felt cruel to keep her on this path. WE couldn't let her in with the family as she should be. It was too hot for her to be out. She was just distressed trying to run in and out of the house. We could not leave her unattended indoors and she even had accidents in the crate...She was so miserable. I felt like crying everytime she looked at me.

She will forever be in our hearts...

We will always have love for the Bernese Mountain Dog breed because of her.

The kids are dealing with it quite well, since we included them in the decision. Carrie is taking it the hardest. She wants to save everything so badly...Last month she brought a 'dead' tree from the trash can she insisted I repot and save. She named it FRED and now it is in a big pot and growing like mad. But, even Carrie undestands that Jenny was suffering.

The house is quiet, but Sakura seems content to sleep on my feet.

June 30, 2007

Collin goes to the barber!

Collin had his first barber hair cut. While he has had a few at home now, I was leary to take him in to the Japanese ladies in the barber shop.

He was soooo funny. He sat in my lap and did not make a sound the whole time. He was so still I thought he had fallen asleep. The ladies who were cutting his hair and making sure he was still just kept saying, "OHHH, good baby, good boy!" The one who spoke some english said, "Babies cry for haircut. He is good BABY!"
He was rewarded with a giant lollipop that he could barely fit into his mouth...I think that left a good impression on him!

Children's Museum Trip!!! FUN!

This was a fun day!

So, this is the motley crew my girl friend and I took to the Children's Museum in Hiroshima. Add the two baby boys and we had 9 children to keep track of ALLLLLL day! Truth is they were great and we had a lot of fun!

The kids all had fun in the blue screen room where they got to swim away from sharks and play soccer goalie...most of the time they just had fun posing for the camera!

There were so many things for the kids to do there. The first floor was a large tunnel maze, the likes of which I have never seen. It was made of little class and metal cubes and you had to maneuver your way to the slide at the end...Collin wore himself out climbing through the tunnels!

There was a huge train display on the second floor. The kids got to control the trains through the biggest electric train display I have ever seen!

We had a lot of fun this past week! We went on a day trip to Miajima and then to the Children's Museum too....This is our last week with our best friend family...They leave Monday morning and will be our pen pals and blog pals. It is a little weird here right now. There are 13 empty houses on my street due to some construction plans, so it doesn't look like we will be getting a lot of new people, just people rearranged. We will not have to changes houses thank goodness!

Kevin gets back in from Hawaii tonight!!! I cant wait!

Only a few more weeks until DISNEY!!!!

Summer is flying by!

June 19, 2007

Hello there!

Carrie had a piano recital this past week. She looked like a little angel. She did quite well and will be taking a little break over the summer. She should start up piano again in the fall with a new teacher.

Kyle is his usual self...happy and clowning around. He was being silly with daddy's hat the other day and Kevin snapped this...

Collin seems to think that whan a camera comes out he should smile! He makes this funny, show-your-teeth face whenever a camera is near! He is such a clown sometimes!

Kevin is off to Hawaii. This next week will be solo mom...So super mommmy needs to be called in. We are planning a trip to the Children's museum and a little island we like to visit. I hope the weather holds out so we can hit the pool some too!