September 25, 2008

BBQ, Clowns and babies!

We had a GREAT time this last weekend. Kevin was promoted recently. We decided to throw a BBQ for his soldiers and the soldiers and civivlians he works with.
We found out only days before that 0f the 42 people who RSVP'd we 20 were children! So, with the help of my FAB friend, we found entertainment. Sparkles the clown came, sang, danced and was amazing!
Kevin was quite the sport too, as we drug him up and put a wig on him.

This event would have been good, but my Dad made it great. He came up and did the catering for us. He pulled his full size pro grill up from FL! HE spent the whole night before outside in the cold (yes it was cold). I hope he knows that we think he rocks...and EVERYONE is still raving about the food!

Cameron is Offically 6 months old now...1/2 a year already? really? sigh!!!!
I cannot believe they grow sooo fast. He has 2 teeth and is trying very hard to figure out how to be mobile and catch up with his siblings!

September 16, 2008

butterflies. dogs and first foods!

One of Kyle's b-day gifts was a butterfly cage. We ordered caterpillars, fed them, watched them change into chrysallis, and then hatch out...the kids got to play with them before setting them free!

I know we've mentioned the dogs and all their are our Golden Girls!

Cameron got to try solid foods this week...his was reaction was more like, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" than "MMMMM..."

He has amazing eyes...some days they are soooo blue, some days green...Carrie's did that before turning brown, but
I am hoping they stay like this!

September 3, 2008

things change...

So we really did intend for the kids to 'go' to school this year. However, it just did not feel right so we pulled them out before the first day! LOL

We enrolled in an online school. IT is actually the same company I used to work for in Colorado (K12)...check it out!

We have been super busy with Kevin's promotion, kids getting to start school, hitting the area parks, and still unpacking!

I so do not remember having this much CRAP...stuff I truly do not need or want...but have to unpack just in case there is something in the box important

So here are some pics!

Major Hinton!!! It was soooo hot, but well worth it. Collin got into fire ants just as they put KEv's rank on, so it was a screaming moment! But, that is our life! LOL! Here is Collin just after a good ant bite cry!Cameron is a BIG boy...he thinks he can read already! He really loves these ABC mats...

We love the State park down the street from us. The kids love to walk in the lake and chase the a few more months We might try canoes, but right now it is toooo hot!

Notice Collin is not wearing pants at the park...he sat in the water first thing!!! Of course he did!We surprised the kids with a trampoline over the labor day $ we spent in a long time... Carrie, Kyle and Collin are on there ALLLLLLLL DAY LONG!