October 17, 2007

Ultrasound pic!

Kevin's clinic got a new ultrasound today! So, we played around so he could familiarize himself with it!

We havent peeked at the gender yet, but are really tempted!
We thought this was a great shot of the full face and body!
It was so neat to play around and see the little one dancing and wriggling!

October 16, 2007


Collin is 2!!!!

He had a nice little party with mom, dad and sis and bub. He had a good time, as you can see.

I officially have a baby bump. 15 + weeks and I feel huge, but this pic isnt soooo big!!!

Kyle has mastered his RIPSTICK. It is a 2 wheeled skateboard and really hard to learn! That is our spooky little house in the back with all of the pumpkins and skeletons....one on the left...
Carrie is soo tall! She is wearing a shoe 1/2 size smaller than mine (which means she steals mine)! She got a hair cut and looks like a cutey!

Carrie had to take a pic of the boys and I on the couch doing reading time this morning! Thought you might appreciate that I dont look too dead and can still have a sense of humor given the pregnancy fun I get to endure!

October 9, 2007

Still here~ :)

It has been a little busy here. Collin is potty training. He is doing really well and accident free most days. Have a cute toilet pic, but he is all nude, so thought better not to post! LOL!

Carrie is doing Girl Scouts and really busy there. Kyle was so excited by the idea that he insisted on joining Cub Scouts, so I am busy trying to get that going.

Kyle finally lost his first tooth...did not think it would ever happen!

I am doing better with the pregnancy illness. Still taking some meds, but not puking my lungs out!

I had an appt today and the heartbeat was good and strong. We are not sure we are going to find out the gender. Since it is the last baby we were thinking about a surprise!

Do not know if I can handle that though!

Miss you all...can not wait to be stateside! ONLY 8 months to go!